Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dream Book

Most of the Personality Development books encourage us to have our own "dream book". I understood the importance of my "dream book" only after practicing it. If you dont know what a "dream book" is all about, continue reading:

  • Your dream book should capture atleast 101 dreams of yours.
  • Even if your dreams are big, go ahead and jot it down in your dream book.
  • Categorise your dreams as Family, Career, Spiritual, Material, etc.
  • If possible, stick some pictures in your dream book.
  • Allot 10 minutes everyday to read your dream book... If possible, visualize every point as you read.

I am sure that most of you will find this to be a very effective technique to make your dreams come true.

Night is longer for those who Dream... And Day is longer for those who make their Dreams come true...!!!